The NC9RS Repeater system is an OPEN system for all HAMS!  It is to promote the use of the 902-928 Amateur Band thru 900 MHz repeaters linked throughout Northern California and Nevada.
We promote "rag chewing" related to Amateur Radio!  Talk as much as you want about DX chasing,your latest amplifier project,repeater project,antenna project, VHF/UHF/MW weak signal projects etc!
We DO NOT want to hear about your financial woes, political ideals, physical ailments, why your neighbor doesn't like you, why you don't like him etc! (unless it's because of your antennas!)
Sometimes it's OK to talk about wine, redheads and classic cars!..hi hi.
In short, this is a group of experimenters, DX Chasers, enthusiasts and a few "clowns". NOT gossip hounds!

The callsign of all the repeaters on the system is NC9RS/R, except for the repeaters on the system not owned by the club. 

Things we are looking for...

ALLSTAR Node Equipment.
Since we have converted to Allstar from Echolink, some equipment is required...
This includes "micro" computers such as the Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone style units
USB Interfaces such as the DMK URI

420 (403-430 split) Radios such as Maxtrac, Radius or CDM.  Also, any of the UHF GM300's, Radius M10, M120 or M130 with the last three numbers of the model number 3AA or 1AA.  The "AA" is insignificant. Just interested in the "3" or "1".  NO "4" or "2" models!

The system is run entirely on donation$, so if you feel generou$, we prefer Paypal!!
(-: Make your donation$ HERE  :-)
Here's an interactive map of the repeaters on the NC9RS system.
NC9RS Repeater list.

1.El Dorado Hills    927.0125 (-25)        pl 100.0        1400'
2.Bay Area          927.6500/902.0125    pl 131.8        1700'
3.Fresno             927.6625 /902.0125   pl 146.2        3700'
4.Corning   (Solar)  927.6375/902.0125    pl 123.0        4000'
5.Tahoe              927.6750/902.0125    pl 156.7        7800'
6.Stockton           927.2625/902.0125    PL 114.8        300'
7.Fremont (W6SRR) 927.1875/902.0125   PL 94.8        2000'
8.Sonora             927.6125/902.0125    pl 107.2       4200'
9.Reno/Carson       927.0125 (-25)         pl 88.5          9700'
10.Bishop,CA        927.0125 (-25)         pl 100 (same as Sac)   10,800'
11.Ridgecrest,CA    927.0125 (-25)         pl 88.5 (Same as Reno) 4300'
12.South El Dorado 927.6875/902.0125    PL 77       Old Sunol Freq.
12. Mt Vaca         927.3375/902.0125    PL 162.2     Off Air.  Waiting to be rebuilt after fire.

Our local repeaters in Northern Californis are connected via a central 420 HUB.  That is connected to Allstar.
More info and pages to come as the site is slowly rebuilt!
Check us out on Facebook and join our group email list!
Want to connect to our system via Allstar?
As long as it is 900 only, feel free.  Allstar node currently is 27455
but that may change when we move our HUB.
How to get on the 900 Band!

There was only ONE commercially built radio that was designed for the HAM band on 900 and that was the Alinco DJ-G29 HT.  There were only a few hundred built.  They were 900 and 220.  The cool thing was that it was the same platform as the DJ-G7T, which was 2M, 440 and 1296 so between the two radios, you could have every ham band from 2M through 1296! Unfortunately, the DJ-G29 is hard to find and expensive when you can find them.
The good news is that there is a TON of commercially built 900 MHz transceivers out there!
We'll list a few here.

One of the smallest is the Kenwood TK-981.  These are very small radios, but only 15W. 
You don't need an old computer to program them and programming software is not hard to get.
It is best to find one that is a V2.  They are easier to program and can do a few more things than the older ones.
Same goes for the HT version, the TK-481.
There is a ton of info and programming info on the kenwood 900 page kw902.com
There are a lot of Motorola 900 radios ranging from the older Maxtraxs, GTX's, MCS2000 and the newer ones like the MTX 9250, XPR 4580. 
Some of these need to have the programming software hacked to get into the 900 HAM bands and the older ones like the Maxtracs need internal modifications to work well on the ham bands.
Since many of these older radios are no longer supported by Motorola, and they were bought out, the programming software and documentation is easier to get.  There is a LOT of info on repeater-builder.com